miriam tiefenbrunner: perception VIII (series). gedenke deiner schwächen 2019 / dramaturg
Kampnagel, Hamburg
Part I. ICD-10 F41, F33 (Depression)
Part II. ICD-10 N80.3 (Endometriosis)
The two performances of Miriam Tiefenbrunner (AT, Tirol) focus on the struggle against her chronic diseases: depression and endometriosis. With the help of a professional tattoo artist the acupuncture points were tattooed live onto her body, based on the healing acupuncture applied on the 5000-year-old Tirol mummy from Austria, Ötzi. The recorded diary notes of Miriam Tiefenbrunner (creator, performer) were played through mobile speakers, hence the audience could come close (into a kind of “physical contact”) with her own experiences and voice, meanwhile seeing her facing these challenges; namely her body being changed and “healed”.
(In the title 'ICD' is the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems)